Embrace Abilities
You can make a difference!
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
Support the 32nd Annual 3 Club Golf Tournament
The mission of KSI is to provide person-centered supports to assist people with disabilities in the pursuit of their potential in employment and meaningful participation in their communities. KSI, as an organization, believes that work, community integration, and the opportunity to contribute and grow as a person, is important to all people, especially people with disabilities. Integration with others in our society helps to give our lives purpose and meaning. Community integration allows us to learn and be successful, and to interact with people in the pursuit of common goals or outcomes. Employment and community integration creates opportunities for choice, education, recreation, and socialization and allows us a chance to discover talents and skills we never knew we had.
This is KSI's 32nd Annual Three Club Golf Tournament, to be held on September 17th at the Maple Dale Country Club. Funds raised at this event will be used for our employment, training, and life enrichment programs. Gifts are tax deductible as permitted by law, and contributors are recognized in the tournament program.
If you need additional information about the sponsorship levels, please contact Alicia Hollis at 302-422-4014 x 3015 or hollisa@ksiinc.org.